10 High Paying Tech Jobs That Don’t Require Coding

10 High Paying Tech Jobs That Don’t Require Coding

The technology industry is often associated with coding and programming, but there’s a wide array of lucrative career paths that don’t require deep coding expertise. From project management to user experience design, these roles offer rewarding opportunities for professionals with diverse skill sets. Let’s delve into 10 high-paying tech jobs that showcase the breadth and…

Best Tax Haven Countries for Indians to save taxes (Legally But Smartly)

Best Tax Haven Countries for Indians to save taxes (Legally But Smartly)

Around 4000 Indians are leaving for the UAE in 2022 (Source: Henley & Partners Report).  Most High Net worth Individuals are pissed off at paying exorbitant Taxes.  Are you an Indian looking to save yourself from the strenuous taxes imposed on running a business in India? Then you must consider these  “Best tax haven countries…